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Inspirational and Spiritual Quotes by James Redfield

  • “You can not force Spirituality; people must discover it for themselves.”

    “We know that life is really about a spiritual unfolding that is personal and enchanting, an unfolding that no science or philosophy or religion has yet fully clarified.”

    “The universe is energy, energy that responds to our expectations.”

    “The thought of both East and West (philosophies) can indeed be integrated into a higher truth. They show us that the West is correct in maintaining that life is about progress about evolving toward something higher. The East is also correct in emphasizing that we must let go of control of the ego. We can’t progress by using logic alone. We have to attain a fuller consciousness, an inner connection with God, because only then can our evolution toward something better be guided by a higher part of ourselves.”

    “We must intentionally ask to connect with the Divine inside of us.”

    “We break through, to experience a moment that seems to move us past our usual level of consciousness and taste the ultimate connection. Sometimes, this event comes through a “spiritual practice.” It could be a peak experience at a house of worship, or through prayer, meditation, music, communing with nature or a host of other points of entry. In this experience, we receive a “fast forward” step-up in our sense of well-being, peace, even blissfulness, along with a greater sense of knowing and wisdom. This is a deep emotion of love as described by prophets and saints throughout history.  It seems to be a “foretelling” experience that convinces us, even more, that spiritual consciousness is real and provides a look ahead to the levels of awareness – the ultimate goal of spiritual evolution.”

    “For half a century now, a new consciousness has been entering the human world, a new awareness that can only be called transcendent, spiritual. If you find yourself reading this book, then perhaps you already sense what is happening, already feel it inside. It begins with a heightened perception of the way our lives move forward. We notice those chance events that occur at just the right moment and bring forth just the right individuals, to suddenly send our lives in a new and important direction. Perhaps more than any other people in any other time, we intuit higher meaning in these mysterious happenings. Once we do understand what is happening, how to engage this allusive process and maximize its occurrence in our lives, human society will take a quantum leap into a whole new way of life.  A life that realizes the best of our traditions and creates the culture that has been the goal of history all along.”

    “The following story is offered toward this new understanding. If it touches you, if it brings awareness to something that you perceive in life, then pass it on to another.  For I think our new awareness of the spiritual is expanding in exactly this way, no longer through hype nor fad, but personally, through a kind of positive psychological contagion among people.”

    “All that any of us has to do is suspend our doubts and distractions just long enough… and miraculously, this reality can be our own.”

    “Together, with the perspective of how those before us viewed the world, we can shape another historical era of inspirational life for generations to come.”


  • “We must assume every event has significance and contains a message that pertains to our questions…this especially applies to what we used to call bad things…the challenge is to find the silver lining in every event, no matter how negative.”

    “SYNCHRONICITY is the entry point, the measure of whether we’re connected spiritually. These “meaningful coincidences” are tiny miracles steering us toward the good life. They’re always seeking first to wake us up. Then to allow ourselves to be guided by a spiritual connection — and the unfolding of our intended destiny. The secret is to remind ourselves first thing in the morning to watch for these magical moments.”

    “I don’t think that anything happens by coincidence… No one is here by accident… Everyone who crosses our path has a message for us. Otherwise, they would have taken another path, or left earlier or later. The fact that these people are here means that they are here for some reason”…”

    “All that any of us has to do is suspend our doubts and distractions just long enough… and miraculously, this reality can be our own.”

    “By seeing the beauty in every face we lift others into their wisest self and increase the chances of hearing a Synchronistic message.”

    “Learn to slow down and perceive the mysterious events and opportunities that happen in life. We call them coincidences, but if we look closely we see they are meaningful. They bring us just the right information at just the right time to extend our careers, relationships, and growth. These events feel destined in some way, as though the world is set up to help us make a better life, work through our problems, and reach our dreams – if we just pay attention.”

    “Sudden, spontaneous eye contact is a sign that two people should talk.”

    “Setting a field for synchronicity is a matter of putting yourself in a particular state of mind. It is easy to think about synchronicity intellectually, but unless you enter the state of mind where your prayer-field will help, all you will do is glimpse the coincidences every once in a while. In some situations, that is enough, and you will be led forward for a time, but eventually you will lose your direction. The only way to establish a constant flow of synchronicity is to stay in a state where your prayer field keeps this blow moving toward you–a state of conscious alertness.”

    “Knowing our personal mission further enhances the flow of mysterious coincidences as we are guided toward our destinies. First we have a question, then dreams, daydreams, and intuitions lead us toward the answers, which usually are synchronistically provided by the wisdom of another human being.”

    “I try not to recommend too many books, frankly, because I think there’s a certain synchronicity that happens when people discover books.”

  • “Once we are Spiritually connected, relationships can then be developed around true interest and compatibility, without involving a need for security.  Disagreements are liberated to be resolved around compromise, clarity and intuitive knowing.”

    “The issue of control dramas goes all the way back to the root of existential struggles of humanity. That is why it is a Spiritual issue. We seek power and control over other people because of the energy and security it brings to us.”

    “In reality, there are no enemies; we’re all souls in growth, waking up.”

    “If we are very mindful and catch ourselves every time, we begin our Control Drama, eventually, our Control Drama falls away completely. Now, through giving, we can move forward Synchronistically in freedom — ready to experience even more extraordinary moments of God’s connection.”

    “When love first happens, the individuals are giving each other energy unconsciously and both people feel buoyant and elated. That’s the incredible high we call being ‘in love.’ Unfortunately, once they expect this feeling to come from another person, they cut themselves off from the energy in the universe and begin to rely even more on the energy from each other. –Only now there doesn’t seem to be enough, and so they stop giving each other energy and fall back into their dramas. They attempt to control one another so that they force the other’s energy their way.”

    “We humans have always sought to increase our personal energy in the only manner we have known, by seeking to psychologically steal it from the other.  It is this unconscious competition that underlies all the human conflict in the world.”

    “I could see the two sides hardening, their feelings intensifying, as both began to think the other not just wrong, but hideous, venal… in a league with the devil himself.”

    “In other words we humans seek to outwit and control each other not just because of some tangible goal in the outside world that we’re trying to achieve, but because of a lift we get psychologically. This is the reason we see so many irrational conflicts in the world- both at the individual level and the level of nations.”

    “that horrible acts are caused, in part, by our very tendency to assume that some people are naturally evil.”

    “We humans always seem to take a manipulative posture. No matter what the particulars of the situation or the subject matter, we prepare ourselves to say whatever we want in order to prevail in the conversation. Each of us seeks to find some way to control and thus to remain on top in the encounter. If we are successful, or our viewpoint prevails, then rather than feel weak, we receive a psychological boost.”

    “It’s not that they knew what you were doing exactly. They could feel what you were feeling, and as the lie you were contemplating brought you down, they felt the drain themselves, and thus became more confused and unclear. —That was an unconscious signal to them that something was wrong, and that you were probably up to no good. So they backed away.”

    “Because blaming our behavior on forces outside ourselves is a way of avoiding responsibility.”

    “Our relationships are the spice of life; the training area for us to hold our relationship with God.”

  • “Where Attention goes Energy flows; Where Intention goes Energy flows!”

    “You will be able, not to just experience energy occasionally, but to maintain it at higher levels.”

    “When we dislike someone or feel threatened, the natural tendency is to find something we dislike about the person, something that irritates us. Unfortunately, when we do this–instead of seeing the deeper beauty of the person and giving them energy–we take energy away and actually do them harm. All they know is that they suddenly feel less beautiful and less confident, and it is because we sapped their energy.”

    “…The human perception of this energy first begins with a heightened sensitivity to beauty.”

    “The things that we perceive as beautiful may be different, but the actual characteristics we ascribe to beautiful objects are similar. Think about it. When something strikes us as beautiful, it displays more presence and sharpness of shape and vividness of color, doesn’t it? It stands out. It shines. It seems almost iridescent compared to the dullness of other objects less attractive.”

    “Remember to stop as often as necessary to re-connect your energy. Stay full, stay in a state of love. Remember that once you achieve the state of love, nothing nor anyone can pull more energy from you that you can replace. In fact, the energy flowing out of you creates a current that pulls energy into you at the same rate. You can never run out. But you must stay conscious of this process in order for it to work. This is especially important when you interact with people.”

    “…the basic stuff of the universe, at its core, is looking like a kind of pure energy that is malleable to human intention and expectation in a way that defies our old mechanistic model of the universe. –It is as though our expectation itself causes our energy to flow out into the world and affect other energy systems.”

    “It’s like there is a huge balance scale in the sky, weighing the relative strength of two opposing fields of Influence. One side represents those opening to a higher personal spirituality, and thus acting to lift others into that consciousness. The other side of the scale represents those who are still stuck in fear and anger, who are acting to pull people down into a simmering, untruthful fear, and rage.” The statement hit me hard. That meant there was a contagion from both sides, and the balance shifted daily depending on how consistently those in Alignment could hold their truth with others.”

    “Energy doesn’t come to us so much from the things around us–although we can absorb energy directly from some plants and sacred sites. Sacred energy comes from our connection to the divine inside us.”


  • “We can become inspired to shape a higher, more ideal future, and when we do, miracles happen.”

    “There is no such thing as a problem, without a gift for you in its hands.”

    “If we pay attention, we can find a greater life, no matter what our circumstances are.  If you tune into the meaningful coincidences in your life and you discover and then follow your intuition, you will find there is a door of opportunity for a greater life for you.  You can not be a victim and discover this. You have to find a way out of whatever circumstance you’re in by believing these practices of faith will work.

    “Inspiration is what keeps us well.”

    “Once you learn what life is about, there is no way to erase that knowledge. If you try to do something else with your life, you will always sense that you are missing something.”

    “How extraordinary is it, that God draws your interest with dreams and desires, all to move you in His perfect direction.”


  • “Sexual union is a holy moment in which a part of Heaven flows into the Earth.”

    “When each expects the other to live in his or her world, to always be there to join in his or her chosen activities, an ego battle inevitably develops.”

    “This is [her] soul group.’
    What do you mean?’
    It’s a group of souls with whom she resonates closely.”

    “We can increase the frequency of guiding coincidences by uplifting every person that comes into our lives. Care must be taken not to lose our inner connection in romantic relationships.”

    “Remember that people self-correct in relationships. Just express how you feel and what you perceive. Do not argue your point of view- communicate it. The higher self will sense what’s true and shift accordingly.”

    “We must adopt an addition ethic toward others, which enhances our attitude of giving, as we communicate. We must actively “uplift” others by visualizing an expression of a higher connected consciousness in their eyes and on their face… As a result, not only is the person lifted into a greater level of experience, but they are more likely to intuit some message they have for us.”

  • “Loving and energizing others is the best possible thing we can do for ourselves.”

    “If we stay aware and acknowledge the great mystery that is this life, we will see that we have been perfectly placed, in exactly the right position… to make all the difference in the world.”

    “Apparently, before we are born, each of us experiences a vision of what our life can be, complete with reflections on our parents and our tendencies to engage in particular control dramas, even how we might work through these dramas with these parents and go on to be prepared for what we want to accomplish.”

    “The course of human history reveals a deep existential anxiety. We created a request for science so that we could identify our spiritual nature.  People began to turn to practical observation rather than relying on their inborn knowledge and its reasoning.  This facilitated the dawn of the Modern Age.”

    “I could see clearly that this growing hostility was an empty defense, coming not from intention, but from the Fear.”

    “If you’ve ever walked a mile into a virgin forest – a deep forest where trees have been uncut – the energy is totally different from the shopping mall.”

    “The reality of the Life Review is becoming part of our everyday understanding. We know that after death, we have to look at our lives again, and we’re going to agonize over every missed opportunity, over every case in which we failed to act. This knowledge assists in our determination, to pursue every intuitive image that comes to mind, and keep it firmly in an awareness. We’re living life in a more deliberate way. We don’t want to miss a single important event. We don’t want the pain of looking back later and realizing that we blew it, that we failed to make the right decisions.”

    “The awareness begins with a feeling of restlessness—an inner urging to find more meaning in life. As we respond to this inner prompting, we begin to notice the “chance coincidences”—strange Synchronistic events in our life. We begin to realize that some underlying process is operating our life.”

    “Because, again, very often your attitude about why an accident or illness has happened has an effect on your recuperation.”

    “History is not just the evolution of technology; it is the evolution of thought.”

    “We’re finally becoming aware of a process that has been unconscious since human experience began. From the start, humans have perceived a Birth Vision, and then after birth have gone unconscious, aware of only the vaguest of intuitions. At first in the early day of human history, the distance between what we intended and what we actually accomplished was very great and then, over time, the distance has closed. Now we’re the verge of remembering everything.”

    “If we knock on the door until it opens, not taking no for an answer, our lives will be transformed as we step up into a higher awareness.”

    “With that, everything was suddenly thrown into greater relief, a kind of super three-dimensionality that enhanced the presence and realness of everything in my perceptual field, from the small insects close to my face all the way to the galaxy of stars behind the moon. I was looking at everything from the larger perspective of the entire Universe.”

    “As if pulled by my growing sense of beauty, I then felt myself expand at the emotional level into a profound feeling of love and Connection with everything around me. Something in the area of my heart burst outward, and I knew without a doubt that I was now home and cared for, and absolutely—I couldn’t believe it—Protected.”

    “creatures smart enough and unlucky enough to have figured out we’re alive, and we’re going to die without ever knowing any purpose. We can pretend all we want, and we can wish all we want, but that basic existential fact remains—we can’t know.”

    “How many people do you know who are obsessed with their work, who are type A or have stress-related diseases and who can’t slow down? They can’t slow down because they use their routine to distract themselves, to reduce life to only its practical considerations. And they do this to avoid recalling how uncertain they are about why they live.”

    “Once you learn the true purpose for your life, there is no way to erase the knowledge. If you try to do something else with your life, you will always sense you are missing something.”

    “As we embrace a continuous experience of Synchronicity, millions of individuals will be unleashed to follow their destinies — and we will all find a place in the working world that needs to be freed from corruption. In this way, all the institutions of life are moved toward a perfect level of functioning. Capitalism itself, business at every level, food production, the problems of poverty, chemical pollution, and Government regulation will all become more enlightened.”


  • “the truth we have to tell and the things we have to do are much too unique to fit into a usual job setting.”

    “Humanity is waking up from a materialistic worldview and moving into a new view that recognizes “spiritual design.” This design rewards an attitude of “helping others” and “making the world better.” When we adopt this new world view, our soul’s dream of a mission comes to us, and we are moved toward this destiny by near miraculous “Intuitions and Synchronistic Flow.”

    “The Universe is not a dead, uncaring place. It is an energetically connected environment that is spiritually designed to bring our best dreams into fruition. All we have to do is align our lives with the Universe’s ruling principal: GIVING.”

    “Tithing is a way to right the ship quickly. Instead of spending every dime, deny yourself a little and save ten percent of your income one month. Then just wait for an intuition of whom to give it to. You’ll get one. Someone who needs an angel will cross your path, and you’ll get the thrill of having the means to be of service. And again, it will just accelerate the flow of help coming back to you. You’ll get more opportunities to be successful.”

    “…Dreams come to tell us something about our lives that we are missing.”

    “One of my teachers once said, the way you know you’re on the right path is that it works. Now, that doesn’t mean you don’t run into blocks and brick walls, but it does mean that you can find a way around them or find a way to change yourself or your project in order to find the flow again and have it work.”

    “There’s a destiny for every person. There is a force in this world, and once we step into it, the opens doors for us, and gives us a sense of purpose….the greatest life there is, in my view.”

    “Knowing our personal mission further enhances the flow of mysterious coincidences as we are guided toward our destinies. First we have a question, then dreams, daydreams, and intuitions lead us toward the answers, which are usually provided by the wisdom of another human being, Sychronistically.”

    “We notice images or feelings that begin to clarify where our personal Synchronicity is taking us; what our “Life Direction” might be. This could fall within any area of human endeavor–from relationships to finding passion in a career. It is usually a vague glimpse of our future destiny, one that invokes in us a heightened sense of inspiration and fulfillment.”

  • “The key to staying in the highest state of creativity, especially as it relates to our prayer power, is to stay connected and blissful.  We will actively send energy into the world, helping to bring everyone into their Spiritual connection.”

    “You will learn that at higher levels of energy, our fields of prayer act very quickly to bring us exactly what we expect. If we fear, it brings to us what we fear. If we hate, it brings us more of what we hate. Thankfully, when we go into these negative expectations, our prayer-fields collapse rather quickly because we lose our connection with the divine and are no longer out-flowing love. But a fear expectation can still be powerful. That is why you must monitor your expectations carefully and set you field consciously.”

    Prayer of Application to the Holy Spirit:
    “Holy Spirit who solves all problems, who lights all roads so that I can attain my goal. You who give me the divine gift to forgive and forget all evil against me and that in all instances of my life, you are with me. I want in this short prayer to thank you for all things and to confirm once again that I never want to be separated from you, even and in spite of all material illusion. I want to be with you in eternal glory. Thank you for your mercy toward me and mine.”

    “The person must say this prayer for three consecutive days. After three days, the favor requested will be granted even if it may appear difficult. This prayer, including these instructions must be published immediately after the favor is granted without mentioning the favor; only your initials should appear at the bottom.”

    “Prayer power is real. By putting it into action, we will be able to stay more constantly in higher awareness than ever before. If we can do that, the world will quickly change.”

  • “The worst thing that can be done to children is to drain their energy while correcting them.”

    “you should never take responsibility for more children than you can give attention to.”

    “Our children take our level of vibration and raise it even higher. This is how we, as humans, continue evolution.”

  • “When living a more conscious and inspired life, spirituality, can not be separated from how we treat our bodies, construct our lifestyles and keep our energy at higher levels.

    “the health of the body is determined, to a great degree, by our mental processes: what we think of life and especially of ourselves, at both the conscious and the unconscious levels.”

    “Healing in its essence is about breaking through the fears associated with life—fears.”

    “When we cultivate mystical awareness or transcendent identity – (that is the natural outgrowth of meditation and other practices) – what happens is that we begin to take a witness position in our lives, and that includes our minds.”

Assisting Children to Become Whole Adults


The Eighth Insight stresses that children, as the end points in evolution, need unconditional energy flowing toward them in order to evolve. In order to thrive, they need to be around adults who can give them physical, emotional, and mental nourishment. As the Insight points out, draining their energy while correcting them creates control dramas.

To develop into successful adults themselves, they require one-on-one interactions with people of higher maturity levels. Children learn to trust the world and their own place in it when they are spoken to honestly and included in conversations and decision-making appropriate to their level of understanding.

What Really Is Happening

The problems children are experiencing today are the outgrowth of a profound change in parenting. In the past eight decades, the urbanization of our society has completely altered the foundation of how children learn to become adults. Humans have traditionally been tribal beings, creating communities for survival.

Up until the 1930s, children were predominantly raised in families with a range of adults at various stages of life – uncles, aunts, cousins, parents, and grandparents – spending several hours a day together. But the nuclear family has been disintegrating, bringing, in many cases, debilitating isolation and fragmentation. Today the interaction between child and parent has been reduced to a few minutes, and this is often mainly spent in assigning tasks or negative and accusative dialogue (“Where have you been?” “Why don’t you do your homework?” “Put away your clothes”). In many cases, the child does not feel unconditional love or acceptance and must compete for his harried parents’ attention.

Self-Worth Is Declining

Not only are children left to fend for themselves as parents work, but their self-esteem also suffers from a lack of meaningful activity. In previous times, boys and girls had jobs to do that were important contributions to the overall maintenance of the family. Gardening, tending animals, cooking, washing and hanging clothes, caring for siblings, and cutting hay were activities that had consequences if they were not done. Doing them automatically built a sense of competence and taught the value of following through.

Today’s children are too often raised in a passive way. This gives them little or no opportunity to find their identity and recognize their talents before they are thrust out into a society that is increasingly more specialized and technical. Through television, films, phones, and video games they participate in life only as spectators or consumers of entertainment. Their ideas about problem-solving and coping with life are learned from larger-than-life heroes who plunge through experiences with arrogance, violence, and magic.

In the past, with an extended family, children had more opportunities for learning about the opposite sex and integrating both sides of their nature. Without these options children turn away from inadequate adult connections toward their peers, in whose midst they feel significant and energized. However, they cannot learn how to be an adult from those who know no more than they.

What Can We Do To Improve The Parent-Child Relationship?

In many ways it seems as if the causes of delinquency, violence, and intellectual deterioration are mysteriously beyond our control. But if we are willing to give the time and energy to the proper nurturing of children, to support their evolution toward wholeness, we will greatly reduce the dis-ease of our current society.

What we must share with our children is our own spiritual process – teaching them our own understanding of the world. After that, we need to let them go on to their own path. At times, it may look as if they are going to extremes. However, if we have done our job of helping them believe in themselves and their capacity to live life according to their own values, then we need to trust them to find balance.

Live The ‘Good Life’ Through Conscious Intent


In the Anishinaabe (Ojibwe) culture, it is believed that our intentions influence our power of co-creation. As a child, I was always hearing of the various cultural rules that governed our daily lives but it wasn’t until I became an adult that I started to understand why these rules existed. These seemingly odd rules governed everything from how, when, and where we harvested food/medicines, to how we named our infants; but, they all served one purpose: to maintain a balanced flow of love within our spiritual selves so that we may live the ‘Good Life’. Love is understood to be the connection between ourselves and the Creator, and the intention to bring love was called bringing ‘good medicine’.  

The 3 understandings of the word ‘Medicine’

Anishinaabe people have three understandings of the definition of the word ‘medicine’:

1. Western medicine
2. Herbal medicine
3. Medicine (the type only spoken of in hushed voices)  

This mysterious third understanding of the word ‘medicine’ is closely related in meaning to the word ‘intention.’ Many Native American tribes have this belief in good (and bad) medicine or intention, and they believe that intentions have the power to influence our physical reality. 

Bringing ‘Good Medicine’ into your life

Many people sought to influence their reality in a positive way by ‘bringing good medicine’ or good intentions into their home and into their lives. There are countless ways in which a person could bring good medicine into their lives including harvesting medicinal herbs, conducting ceremonies, and by being mindful to put only good intentions into your actions. Being authentic and honest is another component to ensuring that your intentions are positive and full of love. If you are doing good deeds for purely selfish reasons while trying to appear selfless – you are still unsuccessful at bringing in ‘good medicine’.

A traditional teaching in creating ‘Good Medicine’ 

One of the intention teachings I received as a young woman was regarding the creation of a Ribbon Skirt, a traditional ceremonial skirt used by women. I was told to work on my skirt only when my heart was full of love, and my mind at ease. It was crucial that my skirt be created with the intention of pure, unconditional love for myself. It would be the skirt I would be healed in, the skirt I would use to connect with my ancestors, this skirt would be my literal connection to my past and my future – this was to be no ordinary piece of fabric. I was told that when I sat to work on my skirt, that I was to focus on the unconditional love I felt for myself and to direct all of these energies into the skirt’s creation. Every backstitch was created consciously with love. This skirt will aid me every single time I wear it because it is ‘good medicine’ that I created for myself using love and conscious intention.    

Don’t Let Money Hinder Your Spirituality – Part Two


Money can be a roadblock on our path. If we have an idea where our road is going, clearing the path is easier. We should start with questions about our path and not money. Begin with the type of life you want to live and then figure out how money fits the plan.

Working backward this way is a good strategy for several reasons. First, beginning with a goal helps us dream big without selling ourselves short due to fear from a lack of money. Second, starting with a life goal keeps priorities in line and helps prevent the pursuit of wealth as an end instead of a means. Third, budgeting is much easier once we know what resources we need.

Different lifestyles require different levels of funding. On one extreme, many folks are able to live “off the grid” and need very little money. On the other extreme, some folks require huge resources either for themselves or to support causes and institutions important to them. Once we have researched our desired lifestyle and established goals, we have a good idea of the financial resources needed.

Set Goals and Keep Score

The first step to reaching financial goals is a budget. We need to know where our money is going now to help us plan for the future. Tracking spending can be as low tech as writing all expenditures in a notebook. Or we can utilize electronic bank and credit card statements along with spreadsheets to track our activity. Either way, we need to know where every dollar is going so we can adjust if needed to reach our goals.

Watching our expenses over weeks and months is very helpful. Are certain areas of our life taking more and more money? Could cutbacks be made in certain areas? What changes would be the biggest help in reaching our goals? With a budget, we can start to answer these questions and move closer to our desired path.

There are many internal and external resources that can we can access. With money, a useful tool to track resources is a balance sheet. This helps us identify what we own and what we owe. Combined with a budget, a personal balance sheet tells us where we are at financially. It may also offer ideas on where to go.

Plan for the Expected and Unexpected

In The Second Insight we learn to reinterpret history from the perspective of synchronicities. One part of this history is that while we waited for answers to big questions, we focused on making our lives more secure. Although we are evolving, a certain amount of money is needed in the modern world for security. Once we provide for our security then it is easier to move forward. One of the best ways to do this is to build savings for expected and unexpected events.

There are different recommendations for how much we need in a “rainy day” fund. But, saving about six months of our income is wise. Layoffs, health, children, cars, houses, and many other parts of life can lead to unexpected expenses. We may not know exactly which money issue will come up, but we can be sure that something will. Setting aside money can help us stay on our path even in the middle of financial adversity.

Once we have a safety savings, we can start saving for other goals. Maybe new education or training is required for our next step. Perhaps shifting from a current career to a new pursuit will lead to lower income. Saving now can help us to have the resources needed to pursue our mission.

Empower Your Children With Energy And Freedom


During the year 2000, I was working as a secretary in a busy doctor’s clinic when I was given a copy of The Celestine Prophecy. Blown away by its content, I soon realized the profound effect my energy could have on other people and quickly became aware of how other people’s energy affected me.

As you can imagine, working in a medical centre, you don’t always see the best side of people in this job. When tempers ran high from long waits, I would often receive the brunt of their frustration – this negative energy affected me physically and emotionally, and I would often feel drained and depressed when I went home.

When I read James Redfield’s books, I learnt that I could negate negative energy and fill myself up with positive energy from nature and meditation. I learnt to focus on sending positive energy to those I interacted with and would often be pleasantly surprised with the change in someone’s attitude towards me. Abusive patients would often become calmer and even apologize to me for being rude or praise me for how hard I worked.

“We can assist each other in giving and receiving messages by projecting energy. When we uplift each other we avoid the competition of energy talked about in the Fourth Insight.” – Eighth Insight

As my positive energy was reciprocated when I sent it to those that seemed stressed and unwell, I began doing this in the supermarket, bank, and anywhere that I went. Even if I couldn’t see immediate results, I knew that I was helping. I felt stronger, calmer, and more in control of my life – and actually started to feel that my role in that clinic was transcending beyond booking appointments to helping people in an energetic way.

Relating the Eighth Insight to Children

One experience that I remember clearly whilst working in that surgery, was observing the exchanges between a mother and her daughter I came to know. When I asked this mother to take a seat, she would turn to her four-year-old daughter and say, “Where would you like to sit?” and I often felt surprised by how she would involve her daughter in making decisions. The doctor also told me she found it interesting how this particular patient discussed everything with her daughter as if she was an adult; when the girl needed to be weighed, this mother said it was her daughter’s choice as to whether she would like to stand on the scales or not. Everything was discussed with the child; the mother didn’t make decisions for her as if her daughter was incapable.

Remembering the characters from the Eighth Insight, Karla and her daughter, Mareta, we should keep in mind that it is possible to involve children in making decisions that affect them, and it empowers them if we guide them in their choices by giving them attention, love, and support.

Doing Good Isn’t About Getting Even


We live in crazy, unpredictable, sometimes amazing, and sometimes troubling, times. Our world is in upheaval. We balance precariously between the good and the bad, the danger and the grace. Will we see another world war? Will our planet be ripped apart by natural disasters and decline caused by climate change? Will we see the levelling out of the financial disparity? Will the great minds of this generation find ways to save us from the society we’ve created? There are so many unknowns.

Despite the planning we like to do, and the control we think we have, unforeseen events arise.
This summer, forest fires raged across British Columbia, my home. Tens of thousands of people were forced from their homes, fleeing to the apparent safety of other parts of the province. It was heart wrenching. Homes and belongings, and sometimes livestock had to be left behind in the rush. The fire threat was greater than any faced by the province in recorded history. Homes burned to the ground, entire areas were devastated.

And as always, out of hardship, heroes emerged.

This experience was awful and terrifying, yet I have rarely been so inspired. So in awe of the capacity to give. People came from all over the world to help us fight the dragon consuming our forests. People came, putting their own lives on hold, alongside ours, to help us save our homes.

Communities in neighbouring cities opened their homes and their hearts, taking in entire cities of evacuees, whoever that included – pets and horses, chickens, goats, pigs. They made sure we had the support we needed when our homes were no longer safe, donating places to stay, feed for animals, clothing, bedding, anything we needed. Family, friends, and strangers tried to make us feel as though we belonged, as though we weren’t imposing on their peaceful existence. It was beautiful. And it wasn’t a quick turn around, though some thought it would be. The fires threatened for weeks. Some people were under evacuation order for 40 days or more. And even then the alerts lingered. None of us knowing if we’d have to leave again at a moments notice.

In this and other crisis situations, we see a staggering number of individuals shine. They are living examples of the Third Insight- Giving. “We integrate the THIRD INSIGHT when we realize the Universe is not a dead, uncaring place. It is an energetically connected environment that is spiritually constructed to bring our greatest dreams into fruition. All we have to do is align our lives with the Universe’s ruling principle: GIVING. To create this new ‘world view,’ we must understand and live in alignment with the Universe’s Karmic Design. We begin to fulfill the latest discoveries of Quantum Physics. As we open up to Synchronicity and Intuitive guidance, we realize that we, in fact, we share minds with one another and the Divine. The path to this majestic life – lies NOT in ruling others or taking what we want. It lies in always looking out for the ‘best interests’ of others, and at the same time, striving to perceive something they need in order to manifest their dreams. If we give them this information, it feels Synchronistic to them and elevates their lives.”

There have always been those who work against what most of us believe to be right, those who are underhanded. The thieves who steal from the evacuated, the arsonists who start more fires during fire season, the scammers who will do anything to get one up on everyone else, thinking they deserve more. But in the midst of this and other horrible circumstances, the generosity and caring that comes forth far outweighs the hate.

Celestine Prophecy Secrets: The Big Picture


People often ask me questions such as, ‘What’s the best way to integrate the Insights of the Celestine Prophecy Books into my life?’ And, ‘How do we live the Celestine Vision?’

And to share with you what I tell them: I advise exploring the “Big Picture.”

Remember, I didn’t make up these Insights. I argue that the Insights are universal and are finally becoming understood as humanity wakes up to its authentic spiritual Connection.

What is the Big Picture? It’s stepping back and looking at the whole situation facing humanity; the conflict and divisions, the sense among many that life is becoming harder, losing its meaning. But also realizing that it may be this very malaise that is propelling us to find the ultimate meaning for life — an authentic spiritual “experience.”

By looking at the Big Picture we can slow down enough to see that this experience is waiting for us, that we can enlarge our Spiritual consciousness, see how we are guided intuitively, and become aware that we have help in this world. Help that is coming to us through a continuous flow of intuitions and mysterious coincidences — Synchronicity — that can take us to our true inspiration and the discovery of our soul’s mission.

Again, I’m speaking about tuning-in and waking up to what life is really all about and personally aligning with the way life is designed to be lived — if you want to have the most energy and fun. This is the life that humanity is now discovering one person at a time. All we have to do is prove to ourselves that it is real.

Here is the way to find such proof:


Acknowledge what every generation senses, that there is something missing in how life is usually lived. Our souls know that we are here on this planet to do something important and inspiring, to participate in an inspired way. Don’t lose that feeling — no matter what people say!


Make time to meditate or pray silently daily. Practice letting go of the inner chatter of emotions, complaints, and regrets that echo in your mind. Instead, seek to connect with a Divine Love that lives within you — as you practice visiting this place, it enlarges, becoming easier to find, and gradually you enable yourself to reside there more and more in your daily life.

Over time, you realize this place fuels your peace, your centeredness, and utlimately facilitates a very mysterious knowing which guides you via love based thoughts that just ‘arrive’ in your mind. You are now downloading your intuitive intelligence. And the only effort needed is for you to meditate for 20 minutes a day.


Pay attention to the thoughts that are not reactions, but rather those that urge you to do something that feels inspiring, and helps yourself and others in some way. This is your guiding intuition, and you can learn to let it primarily steer your life. Intuitions always urge you to act in some way — often to help someone, or to seeking information that will prepare you for something later.

Always act on an intuition as quickly as possible, but use logic to implement the ideas. Sometimes you are guided to pursue a course that will take some time to unfold. So don’t bet the house on a new plan. Let it unfold gradually and strategically.


Don’t follow thoughts that are negative to others or act in a way that is not in another’s best interest. Doing otherwise will stall and corrupt your dream over time, and believe me, money doesn’t make up for the loss of inspiration. You can prove to yourself that the universe has a Karmic design. What you sow is clearly what you reap.

Here’s how it works: Manipulate others for your own gain, and you will draw the same kinds of people as you (Controllers) into your life — stopping your flow and giving you a rough wake-up call. Act only to be helpful to others and you will attract the same kind of people (Helpers) onto your path, showing up just at the right time to help you. Life becomes easier.


Once we begin to follow our strategic intuition, we enter the flow we are designed to have in life. An intuition suggests an act, say to call an old friend or to visit a client. And when we act logically and find time to do this, often we hear something from another that helps move our goals or dreams closer. Again, when we follow our intuition to help, others show up to provide mysterious opportunities for us. A flow of Synchronicity begins.

Often, this flow of mysterious happenings seems so unlikely that it feels as if we are on a miraculous road of destiny, and that a larger, divine hand is leading us forward. Again, this is how life is designed to be. Keep a journal of your spiritual journey  — the flow is designed to prepare us for ever more meaningful ways to help others, and thus to help the world become more conscious.

But what if this flow suddenly stops, almost like hitting a brick wall. This occurs with everyone. Because we live in a world that is still too self-centered and cynical, we can get lured into giving up on the miracle life, thinking that all of it was just a delusion. Use this reboot: Find a silver lining in the so-called negative event that stopped you. Even if it’s the worst situation imaginable. See it as a possible tough but positive Synchronicity. Then listen to your intuition, and share the truth of what you are dealing with.

Often when we experience a perceived set-back, it’s really just an uncomfortable Synchronicity to make us stronger — and again, part of our preparation. When you find that silver lining, you’ll soon be back in the flow.


Realize that when you get in a flow of destiny, of helping others in the world, you are helping the world to evolve. The world may seem to be falling apart, but in reality, it is only separating into two dimensions: the light and the dark. And believe me, most people are seeking the light.

The conflict you see out there is just an argument between controllers (people who demand that others act in the way they want). Force doesn’t ever work — although it may be necessary only for physical survival in the short term — hostility is an inherently corrupting practice because anything you fight gets bigger as people are forced to choose sides. Worse, when we fight others it’s easy to unconsciously slip over into the dark side ourselves. It’s much better to just influence others by example, by living a smarter, more conscious life out loud and inspiring others with a contagion of helpfulness.

When enough of us do this, then the hostility of the controllers begins to fade away, eventually disappearing altogether, and gradually the controlling world is replaced by a more Spiritually Connected dimension — The Rapture. Believe me when people see the flow, they know nothing else can compare.

Our job is to stay focused on our intuitively led mission, but understanding that it is unfolding within a greater story. The overreaching design is that if we strive to be true to our Spiritual Intelligence, some version of our higher dream (which may be different to the first vision we imagined) will manifest.

And remember, everyone — and I mean everyone — who attains their dream always seems to come from nowhere, but it’s usually after some so-called failures. Privilege doesn’t make it happen. Money doesn’t make it happen. Only heart does.

So stay focused on the BIG PICTURE!




Practicing Gratitude: 5 Steps To Abundance


It’s often easier to remember the bad experiences in life, than the good. When unfortunate things happen, we can have a tendency to invest significant energy in thinking about what’s gone wrong. Increasing our experience and depth of gratitude can balance out many negativities we hold on to. When good thoughts, memories, and feelings occupy our minds, we subsequently receive numerous positive benefits and opportunities.

Genuinely feeling grateful in your heart and choosing to articulate it through your words and actions will enable you to grow beyond your self-imposed limitations, put your problems into perspective, keep you grounded, and encourage you to nurture the people you love.

Journaling is an intellectual exercise that helps you to contemplate what you have in your life. Yet, in order for gratitude to truly transform your life and heal you from within, you must authentically feel grateful right from the core of your being. Take immense pleasure out of your daily practice until it lifts your spirits, heals you, and brings you to a higher consciousness.

What happens when you are grateful?

By practicing gratitude, you can enjoy life more because you appreciate all the miracles you’ve been blessed with. There’s something comforting in realizing that the moments you’re actually grateful for each day are free.

Grateful people report fewer symptoms of discomfort because they have a zest for life and understand the advantages of a healthy lifestyle. They are less lonely, stressed, anxious, and depressed. People with a high level of gratitude often feel an emotional sense of wonder and appreciation for life.

By being grateful, you transform your thought process to view your day with more optimism. You focus on what worked well and healthy ways to alter any negative situations, so you can avoid harmful, self-defeating thinking. Essentially, you actively create your life by choosing what you focus your energy on and how you want to respond to it.

Gratitude is a deep, genuine sense of appreciation that touches you and uplifts your emotions.

You can be grateful for all things in your life, big and small. One of the advantages of appreciating the little things, even the limited things, you have, is that you will attract more of it to you. The Law of Increase states that praise changes your perception and the outcome of your circumstances. The more you praise something, the more confidence you give it; and as confidence grows, so does abundance.

You can appreciate the air you breathe, clean water, the neighborhood you live in, public transport, playing in a sprinkler on a hot sunny day, and the many privileges that you can share with others.

Journaling will help you identify everything that you enjoy in life; but to get the most out of your gratitude, you must look at each and every single item/person/situation and consider what it means to you, what life would be like without it, and why you truly appreciate it.

When you fill yourself up with appreciation, it changes how you feel, alters the actions you take and the results you create, allows you to see the beauty and uniqueness in all things, and enables you to experience a sense of timelessness and connection to a higher source — the universal energy of love.

Practice Gratitude when you need to escape life’s pressures.

Gratitude doesn’t mean that you ignore your problems; nor does it imply that anything going wrong in your life is unimportant. But sometimes we need a rest, both emotionally and mentally, to aid us in gathering the energy and courage to keep going, especially when we feel close to crumbling or giving up.

When you can’t seem to find your way out of a difficult situation and are desperate for an emotional reprieve to boost your energy enough to make it through to a resolution, you can find solace in practicing gratitude for the lessons learned in the challenges you face and what you will gain from seeing it to the end.

Being grateful, in the midst of chaos, can seem like a daunting task, especially if you’re feeling overwhelmed. If you’re unable to look at your current situation objectively to recognize the blessings you’re receiving, step away from it and focus your gratitude on other areas of your life.

Continued on next page >>>>

Celestine Prophecy Secrets: The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude can power our creativity in the world.
The secret of using this power is exactly as you might think: We merely have to remember to activate it.
To use Gratitude, first align yourself on the side of good, and the helpful.  There is a Karmic Design in the Universe that increases your personal power based on the motivation to uplift others and to help them live more fully.  The mere “asking” of how you might help another opens up your channel of intuitive guidance. You will receive the thought that shows you exactly what to do.
Stay aligned with this Karmic Design and you will also be given guidances that will help you as well.  You will be shown how to breakthrough what is holding you back, how to discover your best talents, and how to find the perfect place to push spiritual reform in a particular workplace.
Staying in Gratitude accelerates the process.  Your intentions are grounded and strengthened when you acknowledge that you are being guided by a Divine Connection that feels like a download of a greater part of yourself.  Gratitude establishes the “faith-power” behind your intentions.  When you are thankful that an intention will manifest, that it is meshed with the Divine intent of helpfulness, your aligned life and creativity can rise to a new level.
All together, gratitude keeps us on the right side of spiritual evolution, and in the best life we can have.
 Related article for further reading: Practicing Gratitude: 5 Steps to Abundance

5 Alternatives To Walking Away From Negative People


Time and again, I’ve seen articles, posts, and quotes that advise, “If you want to be more positive, remove negative people from your life.” And when I’ve read this advice, I always have an intense internal reaction. I have experienced the pain of loss and abandonment, and every time this message comes around, I think about how devastated others may be if those they cared about walked away from them.

It seems that ‘Throw it away and run fast’ is the advice that’s been given to us for years about how to deal with anything we don’t like. Running from the people in our lives encourages separation with a ‘me versus you’ mentality and keeps us in our own negative thinking patterns about the person. It also leads us towards resistance of facing the issues that come up in our lives. So, in an attempt to live up to my values and beliefs, I decided I need to find a new perspective on this subject and a deeper understanding.

I would like to state before you read on, that I do understand the reasoning behind this way of thinking, and I agree that we must leave the really toxic people and unsafe relationships behind (the ones that are harmful, that use and abuse you, and destroy your sense of worth) – I’ve had to do this myself in the past in order to find the strength to create healthy boundaries. But I wonder what about the people who aren’t intentionally harmful, who are just lost in their way, and who haven’t been shown anything different yet? I once lived like that and despite years of trying to find happiness, it always seemed to elude me.

It’s important to first differentiate between toxic and negative people.

Toxic people consistently act in ways that are harmful to you, leaving you feeling totally depleted and drained of both physical and emotional energy. They make you question the core essence of who you are, how you want to be, and the life you want to lead, which makes you feel insecure, under-valued, and unworthy. Toxic people tend to be problem-makers and try to bring others down, never take responsibility, lie and cheat, and blame everything on others. They are adept at competing with others and will gossip to make themselves feel and look better. Controlling and manipulating the vulnerability of others without any regard to their needs shows how they focus on themselves in an unhealthy, selfish manner.

A toxic person wants others to share in their misery and the impact they have on you can leave you feeling frustrated, helpless, and emotional. But it’s not just about how they make you feel because even many non-toxic people will also drain you simply through having become lost in their own low energy.

Negative people who are lost in their way (but not necessarily toxic), may act in similar ways but their energy feels different and their motivations come from a deep need to find a way out of their issues. I once read, “The toxic person delivers his poison to others, while the [negative] person injects himself with his own poison.” The reason it looks the same is because both toxic and negative people don’t work towards solutions to become healthier – the toxic person doesn’t want to or even try to because they have learned to thrive off the drama they create, while the negative person actually does want to find happiness but they are so lost and blinded by their issues that they feel they can’t do it on their own.

It’s so easy to accuse people of being toxic and even narcissistic as these labels are becoming the trend. But if we take a deeper look into the behavior and motivations of negative people, we may just see they’re stuck in a control drama or they’re disintegrating to lower levels of development – falling into stress and acting on the habitual mechanism of their personality.

While no one enjoys being miserable, sometimes it may seem that others around us are choosing a life of misery. And, while deep down we all want something more – something better – some just haven’t figured out what ‘more’ is yet, or how to manifest positive change. We have created a world where we’re so consumed with our preoccupation that we are easily blinded to what it is that we’re really searching for. The vast majority of us have been down that dark road, so why, when we reach the light, should we condemn those who are struggling to catch up?

Continued on next page >>>

The Energy of the Holidays


I have always celebrated Christmas. In fact, as a young child it was, hands down, my favourite time of the year. Over the years, in line with the culture in which I was raised, I’ve carried on the traditions that my grandparents and parents modelled.

To me, Christmas meant family gatherings for which we made good food and put up fancy decorations, where we went out of our way to relax and have fun together. The snow and the lights, the parties and the extra smiles seemed almost magical to me. Not in a Santa sliding down your chimney in the middle night kind of way, but in a more subdued, bubbling with happiness kind of way.

In hindsight, I realize that the magical ingredient that was lacking the rest of the year, the thing that came out in full force during the holiday season, was time intentionally set aside to spend with loved ones. And, while I clearly see that the simple Christmases I remember from childhood are no longer, that is why I still choose to celebrate this holiday. In my home, it’s about turning inward, getting cozy, and playing in the great outdoors. It’s about joy and fun and love.

There is a deeper meaning than many of us have been acknowledging. 

Viewed through the larger lens of our Longer Now, and taking into account all that it meant to those that came before us, we can develop a greater sense of all that it can mean to us now. Many ancient cultures around the world celebrated the Winter Solstice, the turning of the season, as a time of reflection and celebration, and then moving forward, as a time of inspiration and renewal. As Christianity came into being, blending their own celebration with those of older cultures, the spiritual message remained one of hope and light. The significance of that is not lost simply because we have moved into a more commercialized way of being. It has not been obliterated by the legend of Santa Claus.

The deeper my own spirituality becomes, the more I connect with these truths. We are all products of our various cultures but when we step out of the power struggle over which religion or society is correct, we can all find the magic of this season waiting for us. Whether we are surrounded by snow or sand, whether we have a Christmas tree or not, there is a shift; a time out of regular life when we can set down our hurts and see the beauty of this life.

This may be the opposite of what many of us have experienced, for we have become creatures of consumerist habit and it’s hard to step out of that world. The weeks of December are said to be the most stressful of the year, and that is a sad truth many people live with. It can seem busier, more demanding, lonely. But if we connect with our souls, if we seek our personal truths, most of us will find that we yearn to be the Givers of the Third Insight.

Setting aside our control dramas will set us free.

We long to give up our control dramas that turn into questions of who gave the best gifts, who spent the most money, and who put in the most effort. And, once we have let go of those attachments, we will suddenly find ourselves free to share in the energy that floods through us, to be an amplifier of light and goodness, rather than a drain on our loved ones. In this way, we can reengage in the synchronistic flow of life.

We can let go of the controversy over what is politically correct, drop the over-responsibility of trying to dictate what others ought to do, and have our individual celebrations in ways that are nourishing and fulfilling. We can take back our Decembers, and give others their’s back with grace and love. It seems that some have become offended by expressions such as Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah, but we can choose to look on these greetings in the spirit they are offered and lovingly receive the gift beneath them. We can use our time off work or school to bond and have fun, to reminisce on the year gone by and dream of the year to come.

As we shift ever onward towards an expansive, inclusive world culture, I believe that not only will we continue to celebrate events like Christmas, we will do so on a greater scale. Regardless of religion or culture, the spiritual realness of each of these unique times of year will call to us, because we are all spiritual beings, breaking down barriers and shattering division.

We can choose to spend December in our own way.

So, as a spiritual being who chooses to celebrate Christmas, mixing traditions both old and new, I find myself free and full of gratitude over the beauty of my Earthly home, over the Christian holiday, and it’s many wonderful messages, as well as both the darkness and the light. My December is my own, and as more of us move into this way of being, we participate in the uplifting Interpersonal Ethic of the Eighth Insight by encouraging and supporting others to do the same.

There is no right way to celebrate the holidays, there is no right way to engage in the flow of energy generated during this season, but we can stay open to and share the happiness and the joy, the camaraderie and the love. Whatever each of you choose to do with your December this year – make it your own, and make it great!


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A Reminder of Love


Hundreds of movies and songs have pointed to it.  Books and poems have alluded to it.  Religions have embraced it: love is all the world needs to solve its problems.

Yet, for most of the year, this message lingers in the background.  Too often, we seem to forget the power of love until, thankfully… the holiday time of year rolls around.

But why do we forget?  Everyone has felt love.  We’ve loved a grandparent, a parent, a child, a pet… or someone special in our lives.  We know love is real, but it is also elusive, and we lose the feeling.

We lose it because life is crowded and busy and in-tangled with so many people who don’t seem to have our best interests in mind.  We find we have to defend ourselves in this world, so we fight back and compete.

And, sometimes, we slip from competition into hate, especially now in a world so polarized.  We hate those who disagree with us, those who attack our political views.  We hate because we think our assumptions and way of life are being threatened.

We think that with hate and anger, we can push the negative back, put out its fire, and feel more secure in our fortress.

But anything that you hate always grows stronger – because those who feel hated, marshal their forces, and increase their efforts to hate back… and hate grows.

In all this, the power of love remains forgotten, even among those who know love.  Could this explain our world of polarized opinion, where exaggeration, lies, and demonization abound?

Perhaps it is love — remembering love — that could lead to restoring truth and civility?

Toward this possibility, the traditional holidays beacon to us, radiating the memory of love.  The songs, the poems, the special moments with others dare us to cross all boundaries, to lift all conflicts into a higher solution.

Can we pray that this year love will not be forgotten, that we will hold the realization that without love, hate prevails?

Can we pray that all the people who know love will evoke it, and will stay on the light side of human striving?  Not hating the dark, but gently replacing it… as we share and learn and hope with each other.


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The Horse Spirit and Synchronicity


Throughout our history, the Horse has been recorded as a figure of importance in mythologies and cultures around the world. Spiritual messages are believed to be passed through sightings of horses, and as spirit guides, the colours, markings, and bearing of the horse in question can indicate the type of guidance we are receiving. According to many, paint horses – those with white and solid colours, represent freedom and adventure, white horses call us to spiritual investigation, and black horses symbolize shadow and mystery.

Horses played a huge role in the longer now of the Second Insight, but as we moved forward technologically, many of us lost the likelihood of creating those wondrous relationships. Happily, there is a shift occurring as more and more people are interested in restoring horsemanship back into their lives. We are seeing a resurgence of the horse-human relationship. Their beauty and grace, along with the freedom and spirit they represent, combine to give them a power that, for many of us, is beyond compare.

Over the years, a multitude of papers have been published on the benefits of working with horses. However, long before science could back it up, many spiritual teachings told of horses restoring us. And now, with all that is changing in the world of health and wellness, the Horse is finally being given their rightful place among healers.

They have a presence that can induce a state similar to meditation, where time becomes meaningless and something other takes over. Often following time with horses, we overflow with feelings of balance and wellbeing. I’ve personally been fortunate enough to both witness and experience this phenomenon numerous times, and believe that this effect is caused by their souls, by the energetic bodies of horses.

Many modern day energy workers believe that horses have expansive auras, much larger than our own or most others mammals. They remain grounded, tuned in and open to the Universal energy with no need to stealenergy. Instead they act as open conduits, sharing this gift of energy freely – with us, with each other, with the world at large, without being drained themselves.

My world changed in one day.

I grew up in a ranching community, and come from a family of cattle ranchers and horsemen, but never owned horses myself until I was an adult. I started taking my animal-loving daughter to horseback riding lessons and shortly after, was riding myself as well. During this same period of time, I, like so many others, suffered from panic attacks. At times I was okay, but at times they were extreme to the point of debilitating.

One day as we headed out to go riding I had a panic attack, and I am forever thankful that I did. I was embarrassed and red eyed. My entire body was shaking, sweating, and I smelled like fear. And then, I touched Kisses, the horse who changed my life.

As my hand made contact with her, it was as though she flicked the off switch on my fight or flight response. Everything relaxed, the fear, the anxiety, the shaking. My heart rate slowed and I felt like I could swallow again.

I went home that day knowing that working with horses to help people heal was a part of my calling, my lifes purpose. That day, out of one of the worst panic attacks of my life, a horse and a moment of synchronicity led me to a new life.

The gifts horses give us.

Nearly a decade and a half later, I am still in awe of the amazing gifts that horses offer us. They increase levels of health and happiness, helping us to transcend the mundane, while inspiring love, compassion, and understanding. While there are those who have had negative horse experiences due to extenuating circumstances, the number of people who claim feelings of worth and wholeness through time with horses is staggering.

Horses of the right temperament offer us a place to relax, to be accepted exactly as we are, and encourage us to let go of our stress. This is especially true for the vulnerable, when we are unwell, suffering, or traumatized. We cant make a bad impression on these horses just by being ourselves. They dont care what we dress like, if our hair is a mess, or if we have scars and baggage. While they can learn not to trust people who treat them poorly, we can make mistakes in their presence and still be welcome. We can do things incorrectly and clumsily as were learning. We can be afraid, raw and real, and the next day they will be there for us, waiting for a scratch and a nuzzle.   

They have a sense of what we need, of what gaps need to be filled. Horses teach us to tune in to our own energy, intuition, and sensitivity. And while their energy bodies are working magic within our own, horses can show us exactly what we need, whether that means lending their shoulder to cry on or acting as a mirror and showing us the hard truths about ourselves.

The karmic effect spoken of in the Third Insight also become immediately apparent through time spent among them. While horses are naturally very giving, they are amplified by what they get, so the more giving of love and kindness we are to them, the more they give back. The cause and the effect happens almost simultaneously and is impossible to ignore. This leads to creating giving and respectful relationships, where we learn to communicate effectively in order to create real and lasting bonds.

I believe that horses have an important role to play in the emerging culture of the Ninth Insight, and while it is definitely not feasible for everyone to own horses at this point, there are options available for people who wish to learn about and safely engage with them. People offer healing sessions and retreats with horses, therapeutic facilities take volunteers, farms and ranches provide tours and rides. The Fifth Insight – The Message of the Mystics speaks of a deep spiritual connection and there is no where Ive felt this play out more strongly in my own life than being in nature with horses. For anyone who has felt called to be with horses, I urge you to listen. The stirring is in you for a reason and the experience is amazing.


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Map To a Better World

The concept that we are all one, connected to each other by invisible energy, can be a struggle to accept. Not because we don’t want to believe that there is some greater force that we are all a part of, but because it can be hard to understand. At least it was for me and […]

Shifting from Independence to Interdependence

We’ve all heard the expression “It takes a village” in reference to the raising of children. And it’s true, it does take numerous people to successfully nurture children, give them the experiences that enable a well rounded life, whilst allowing the parents to maintain some sense of self. What we forget is that as we […]

Stress Less: Energetic Self-Care for the Holiday Season

The holiday season is upon us once again and as always, it is a lot. A lot of energy, a lot of noise, a lot chaos, a lot of love. We are commonly told that the joy is in giving rather than receiving, and that the most important part of this season is being with […]

Celestine Prophecy Secrets: Staying Out of Control Dramas


If you have read the Celestine Prophecy, then you know that “Staying out of CONTROL DRAMAS” is essential to becoming more Conscious and being able to create the life you want.  Remember, THE CELESTINE PROPHECY reveals 9 of 12 truths about how the world “really” works and how humanity is destined to come into alignment […]

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Handling Christmas Without Your Children After Divorce


Christmas and this run up period is meant to be one of the most joyful times of the year. However, if you’ve recently journeyed through divorce, the festive period can be one of the most emotionally challenging times to handle.  If you’ve split from the mother/father of your children and you’ll be alternating Christmas’ yearly […]

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